

Our Purpose: To be a reflection of Christ’s love, his hands and feet, in service to our neighbors in the community and the world.


The Path to Home Program

The Path to Home Program offers shelter, meals, and hospitality for families with children who have transitional housing needs. We partner in this service with 12 other local congregations annually through the New Pathways organization in Cambridge, MN. Trinity Lutheran Church provides private rooms and meals.  Guests use the day center at New Pathways during the day. Volunteers have opportunities to be involved and share their time and gifts by providing dinner, setting up and taking down beds, washing laundry, playing games with the children, helping with homework, serving as overnight hosts, and interacting with guests.  

Our  hosting period takes many volunteers to make it successful. Please mark your calendars and prayerfully consider helping with this wonderful program. We will have sign up sheets out a few weeks before hosting. If you would be  interested in helping or want to learn more about the program contact Julie in the office. For more information about the Path to Home program, see www.newpathwaysmn.org.

Blessing Bags

We will be packing our Fall Blessing Bags on Wednesday, November 6 from 9:00 a.m. to noon in the Genesis Room. All are welcome to help out! Many hands make light work. Contact me with questions. Thank you! Lori Fisk

Diaper Collection

DIAPER COLLECTION We are collecting disposable diapers for families in need. If you have a partial package of leftover diapers, or would like to purchase diapers, we will create bundles that could be distributed as needed. Please leave donations in the church office.

Ecumen Worship

Do you love worship?  Do you like helping others? Have you always wanted to help in some way? Join us on the 1st Sunday of the Month at Ecumen for worship. 

Opportunities include:

  • Reading scripture
  • Assisting with communion Maybe you would like to provide special music.
  • Play the piano
  • Perhaps you would like to provide a homily to share how much God loves us.

The service is at 2 PM the first Sunday of each month. Come and check it out and see if it is a ministry you would like to be part of it. The residents are SO appreciative and they love to sing. There are 3 other churches that each take a Sunday.  As far as we know, Trinity is the only one that brings communion. It is a joy to serve in this way.  Come and check it out.. Contact Ann Tanko (artanko@hotmail.com) or call the church office for more information.   651-674-7047.

Giving Tree

Trinity works along side the Crisis Nursery and Chisago County Human Services during the Christmas Season to provide ‘Christmas Presents’ for children and families in need. A Christmas Tree is present in the Narthex area of the church with ornaments for families to take and buy the necessary item listed.

Partnering with Pawaga

Trinity Lutheran Church has been part of the Bega Kwa Bega (Shoulder to Shoulder) program between the Saint Paul Area Synod and the Iringa Diocese in Tanzania since 2001. We have been blessed to have been paired up with the Pawaga congregation and have found many ways to partner with them in ministry.

If you are interested in more information about the partnership between Pawaga and Trinity please contact the church office at 651-674-7047.

ELCA Good Gifts

ELCA Good Gifts provides more than 50 different gift-giving options that grow the church, fight hunger and transform lives. These gifts, starting at just $10, provide direct support for the churchwide ministries of the ELCA. The resources below – from catalogs to coin banks, bulletin inserts to planning guides – make it easy (and fun!) for your family, your congregation and your community say “goodbye” to traditional gift-giving and “hello” to meaningful gifts that really make a difference in the world. Ready to shop now?   Visit the ELCA Good Gifts Store and print or order cards to tell loved ones about gifts given in their honor.