High School Youth Ministry

Our Youth Ministry exists to gather senior high students to share in God’s word, praise God’s name, expand our faith, and work as God’s instruments.

EDGE  (Every Day God Encounters)

EDGE will serve our soup lunch fundraiser at the annual meeting on February 9, at 11:00 a.m. This fundraiser helps support our youth group mission trip and yearly activities! We are excited to have our biggest group in years of 11 students attend our mission trip to Wisconsin this July! Thank you for your financial and prayer support for these students and trips! We will also do a joint Confirmation/EDGE bowling trip at the end of the month. We are excited about our next NB Breakfast Club on February 5, from 7:00-7:30 a.m. for all 9-12 graders to come for food, friends, and an encouraging word before school.

Incoming 9th-12th graders are invited to be a part of EDGE youth group this fall!  Please contact Marie with any questions.

Upcoming Dates to know:

  • February 2 – EDGE serves coffee hour
  • February 5 – North Branch Breakfast Club 7:00-7:30 a.m.
  • February 5 – TLC Pizza Night 6:00-6:30 p.m. EDGE 6:30-7:30 p.m. .
  • February 9 – Soup Lunch Fundraiser at the Annual Meeting 11:00 a.m. 
  • February 12 – EDGE 6:30-7:30 p.m.
  • February 19 – EDGE 6:30-7:30 p.m. 
  • February 26 – EDGE 6:00-7:30 p.m. – Bowling Trip
    Breakfast Club – North Branch Breakfast Club meets once a month and is for all 9-12 grade high school students. Our next one is Wednesday, February 5, from 7:00-7:30 a.m. before school in the Fellowship Hall at Trinity. Students can come for a yummy breakfast, friends, and an encouraging Word before school! Reach out to Marie to sign up to help.

Summer in the Son

VBS/Summer in the Son Youth Leaders – Thank you to the high school youth that helped set up, serve, and help with Family VBS Nights this June! We couldn’t have done it without you!

High School Senior Scholarships

Through the foresight and generosity of several members of our church, a scholarship fund has been established at Trinity Lutheran as part of our memorial fund giving. Within the attachment below you will find the guidelines as well as the form to fill out.

Scholarship Application

Trinity Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 447
38460 Lincoln Trail
North Branch, MN  55056
INCLUDE: Letter of Acceptance from your school: